• Wine and a Book
    Lit Life

    My Love/Hate Relationship with Love: A Love Story

    It’s Valentine’s Day and I find myself thinking analytically and way too much about Love. “Love is a many splendid thing,” right? “Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is Love”, correct? (and yes, I did recently watch Moulin Rouge, thank you). This season practically forces us to think about Love, whether we want to or not. If you’re married or in a committed/serious/mildly entertaining/kinda maybe sort of relationship, this holiday comes with its own challenges. But, for those of us who are single, this is the season of shaming (yes, more than Christmastime!).  I cannot watch television or listen to the radio without being told how…

  • World Lit

    The Value of the Vote

    An acquaintance of mine posted on Facebook the other day that we should not “peer pressure” people to vote who don’t feel they are able or prepared to do so. They also posted that the more access we have to something the greater the quality is diminished. I’ve been struggling with this the past few days. Unsure of where I fall on the spectrum of quality vs. quantity and the right to vote; or even how these two concepts are related.  Supply and Demand Certainly, the economist in me can see this point. Its classic supply and demand, the concept of scarcity, that the less there is of something the…