World Lit

  • Keep Calm and Read a Book
    World Lit

    Keep Calm and Read a Book

    The other day my well meaning father asked me if I had given up on my blog. It’s true that I haven’t posted in a while; but what he didn’t know was the immense pressure and guilt I was feeling. I had kicked off March with an aggressive four book goal that I announced to the public in a post for Women’s History Month. I was ready to read and post and be active on Instagram, and all the things you’re supposed to do when you run a blog. But then things got in the way. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job. But suddenly my 9-5 was also…

  • Image of Womn with the title Women's history Month
    World Lit

    Women’s History Month 2021

    This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information. March is upon us (again? still?). This year somehow felt like three years and one long month simultaneously, and somehow, I forgot that March comes after February. You would think writing a post about Valentine’s Day would alert me to the fact that March was creeping up. Well, that was not the case. I woke up on Monday, and (surprise!) it was March and the first official day of Women’s History Month! Despite being utterly unprepared for what is, obviously, the…

  • US Capitol Building - Senate Side
    World Lit

    Proof That Words Matter

    I’m sitting here in my parents’ house on Jan 6, 2021, at 7:52 pm wondering what on earth happened today; how did we let it get this far? I had been hoping to post a nice review but that went out the window the moment my phone lit up with the news of a coup happening on Capitol Hill. And make no mistake, this was an insurrection in the United States of America. Seriously, google images of coups, in any country, and tell me they don’t look like what happened in D.C. today. I couldn’t let today pass without comment. I couldn’t watch our democracy be threatened without saying unequivocally…

  • World Lit

    The Value of the Vote

    An acquaintance of mine posted on Facebook the other day that we should not “peer pressure” people to vote who don’t feel they are able or prepared to do so. They also posted that the more access we have to something the greater the quality is diminished. I’ve been struggling with this the past few days. Unsure of where I fall on the spectrum of quality vs. quantity and the right to vote; or even how these two concepts are related.  Supply and Demand Certainly, the economist in me can see this point. Its classic supply and demand, the concept of scarcity, that the less there is of something the…

  • World Lit

    A Girl with a Book: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    When I learned of the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I was heartbroken. My grief took me by surprise. That I could shed tears for a woman I had never met and feel the loss of her life so acutely was startling. However, that was how big her presence was, and how far her legacy reached. She paved the way for women who will only ever read her name in history books, who will just see a list of accomplishments. I feel this loss because I was lucky enough to live during the rise of the notorious RBG. When my neighbor came outside at 9pm on September 18, 2020…