Sooo…What is this?

Welcome to Lit Girls Read! I passionately believe in literature as an equalizer and a medium through which to have broader discussions about the world and the lives of the people who inhabit it. Well that’s what I’d like to do, I hope some people will want to join me.
At the start of 2020 I made a commitment to be more mindful in my reading. It wasn’t a resolution necessarily, it was more of a decision. I love to read and I wanted to do more of it. The key was I had to find a time to carve out for myself that was just for reading. So I decided every night before bed I would read. Even if it was just a chapter, I would make some progress in my book (or books, let’s be honest I’m always reading more than one). Here’s the thing…it worked! I found myself reading more and reading deliberately, with meaning.
During this time, a colleague approached me about a program she was hoping to start at our organization, a virtual book club! And she wanted me to “host” it, since I’m such a book nerd. Needless to say I was super excited and the idea took root in my brain. My mom was even into the idea when I told her about it. We even discussed doing a video book club ourselves via YouTube, where we would drink wine and talk about books. Both were great ideas that ultimately went nowhere.
When March came around and the world broke, I found myself for the one thing that always gave me comfort; books, specifically Harry Potter. I began listening to podcasts about books as well, generally while I walked. I decided to make a quarantine project out of it, Reading and walking with a podcast called Harry Potter and the Sacred Text. Now, I love to read and talk about books, but I haven’t done a close reading since high school. Reading along with the podcast allowed me to escape into the Wizarding world and experience my favorite series through a whole new lens.
As I became current in that podcast, now reading through the Seventh book one chapter at a time, I needed something else to fill my walks between new episodes. I discovered other, Harry Potter related, podcasts and basically started the process over again. Soon I found myself having conversations with the various hosts (in my head of course, I only sometimes talk to myself out loud) and these ideas began to swirl around in my brain. I wasn’t sure what to do with them but I really couldn’t keep having phantom conversations. Maybe, however, if i wrote them down people would respond and the ideas would grow. All those thoughts came together to be Lit Girls Read. A play on the abbreviation for Literature, which urban dictionary describes as “F-ing amazing in any sense”. Well to me, Lit Girls, Read.
So here we are, are you still with me? Awesome! Watch this space. I’m trying to balance my big ideas with realistic goals. So we’ll see how it goes. I’m excited to get started!
Until next time,
Stay Lit