Lit Life

What is a Lit Girl?

Imagine if you will, a girl, or woman, who truly knows herself. She loves fiercely, trusts her gut,  and is immensely curious and knowledgeable. She is comfortable with her body, her hair, her skin. Everything about her is just right. She speaks her mind intelligently. She’s up on all the latest trends. She is so full of confidence that she walks down the street like Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality while her hair blows in an invisible wind, like Beyoncé. She’s lit!

Now you might be thinking, yeah okay, but that’s not me! I want to be all those things, I even try to be, but I’m not. Not comfortable in my own skin, hair , body. When I speak my mind the words come out wrong and no one is listening. I’m constantly worrying about what people think about me. When I walk down the street, I trip over the sidewalk (same girl, same). I am not like Beyoncé, the wind just blows my hair in my face and then it gets stuck in my chap-stick. I’m not lit!

You are a Lit Girl

Well I’ve got news for you. You are lit. If you feel insecure, think you’re weird, or sometimes prefer books to actual people; then you’re a Lit Girl. That woman I described doesn’t exist (except Beyoncé, she’s as close as it gets) no one is perfect. Even Sandra stumbled at the end of that scene! Maybe you don’t love fiercely, but you love deeply. Maybe your thirst for knowledge leads you to retain such useful facts as song lyrics, book passages, and random character names from TV shows you don’t even watch; none of which is helpful at your day job.

If any of this applies to you, or even if it doesn’t, you’re a Lit Girl. You are unmistakably YOU and that is what makes you lit, with an inner light that shines more brightly than anything else (hehe, see what I did there). 

Lit Girls are not just one thing, one race, one gender, size, religion, or ethnicity. There is a Lit Girl in every one of us. Every time you crack open a new book or reach for an old favorite, you’re lit. Each time you text someone at odd hours because you had a revelation or found a plot twist, you’re lit. When you reach out to share your ideas and passions, or maybe just a favorite book, you’re lit. We all have a light inside of us, because Lit Girls Read. 

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